Is PLECS affected by the Log4j / Log4shell vulnerability?
Log4Shell is a vulnerability in Log4j that allows arbitrary code execution. Is PLECS affected by this vulnerability?
Log4Shell is a vulnerability in Log4j that allows arbitrary code execution. Is PLECS affected by this vulnerability?
If I have a PLECS Standalone model file can I open it with PLECS Blockset, and vice-versa?
Now that I have a working model that I am satisfied with, can I use PLECS to design a board layout?
I'd like to initialize component values and simulation parameters from a script and then invoke a simulation. Ideally I could run a script that runs and compares several simulations, each with unique parameters. Since PLECS Standalone doesn't use MATLAB and its scripting capabilities, is this possible?
I don't see the exact component I'm looking for in the PLECS library. I'd like to be able to create it myself and add it to the library.
In addition to ideal passive components, I'd like to model variable capacitance, inductance, and resistance, as well as the effects of saturation.
I need to be able to see how a component is implemented and possibly modify it for a specific application. If the component is simply a black box, I have no way to verify the implementation behind it.
Is the decision whether to use PLECS Blockset or PLECS Standalone entirely based on whether I have MATLAB and Simulink?
I have downloaded and installed the latest version of PLECS, but I have a model that was created in a previous version. Will I have any issues opening the file?
Since the ideal switch components in PLECS do not simulate the exact turn-on and turn-off waveforms, I don't know how to account for switching losses in an estimate of the circuit's efficiency.